Clout of the Black Electorate
For those that believe the hype that Black folk don't vote. Don't believe the hype... The Black voter TURNS OUT in higher numbers than any ethnic group, and because of that "The Black Vote" will swing many elections leaving candidate wondering, "what happened" on election day. If you are a proud member of the Black Electorate, we hope you'll be empowered by the voting stats below and help get the message out that "Black votes DO matter" when candidates ask you for YOUR vote. All we're asking is that you make sure that candidates EARN your vote. Ask questions that are important to you, that will impact your life and the lives of those in your community, and then hold them accountable next time you're at the ballot box. Let's make every vote count, based on the ISSUES. After all... Our issues don't change but remain the same regardless of who is in power.