BSU Annual Conference 2023 Club Registration
Registration Closes on March 6th
Registration Closes on March 6th
March 31, 2023
Pre-Conference Activities: 11:00a-12:00p (Students Arrival)
Program: 12:00-7:00p.m.
Host School: Cheyenne High School 3200 W. Alexander Ave., NLV
REMINDER: CCSD dress code will be enforced. Snacks and bottled water will be available.
Students should wear their BSU Club t-shirt and be prepared to make their Club presentation. Some students show up with song, spoken word, PowerPoint presentation, step/dance, etc. You'll have 2 minutes to make your presentation to the entire group. Please be sure to identify the number of students attending that are graduating seniors, so we can order their leadership medallion. Advisors will participate with their graduates. Also, if a student cancels and you have someone replacing them, there is no need to advise. However, please be mindful that we are paying for each meal, so if you have a cancellation please let us know ASAP.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the Conference.